1. Regular: a pattern created by repeating a regular polygon. There are only three regular tessellations. They are triangles, squares, and hexagons. Only the initial shape is used and adds up to 360 degrees at the vertex. Basically the shapes fit tother with one another all the way around each other perfectly. (Shape ONLY)
It is often easiest to understand an angle first before trying to understand them when it comes to shapes like a right triangular prism or right rectangular prism.
There are three kinds of angles: acute, obtuse, and reflex. An (A)acute angle is an angle in which its measure is less than 90 degrees. A (B)obtuse angle has a measure of more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees. A (C)reflex angle has a measure of more than 180 degrees but is less than 360 degrees. (note: the initial side of an angle doesn't move but the terminal side does)
Example(s) of if you know one angle, how to find the other.